Attendance to a nationally known educational workshop series for pre-retirees and retirees had been down for a whole year prior, therefore a need to reposition the brand was identified. Given that the target market was pre-retirees and retirees the best choice of medium was still by direct mail cards instead of registration by phone, upon receipt of the mail cards the individual was asked to log on to a website which was created specifically to accommodate the registrations. The look and feel of the brand was dated and needed to be modernized.
The new website I created added immense value, because they were now able to track visitors, determine how long they stayed on the site, and if they followed through and registered for the event. They were also able to promote future workshop dates well in advance. Although we are still utilizing direct mail cards, the capabilities to implement social media in the future to promote the workshops are set in place. The change also made it more convenient for consumers to register for the events by offering the registration capabilities at all hours of the day. The addition of an early-bird registration offering $10 off 5 days prior to the workshop provided an incentive to consumers who registered ahead of time. The re-branding campaign along with the incorporation of online registrations has proven successful. Overall, my redesign and other value-added components generated a 130% increase in attendance to the workshops.